Wednesday 7 October 2009

Why Pokerspace Is The Best Poker Forum On The Web....

Pokerspace is a great Poker forum on the internet, i felt by adding this post, would also entice you to this great forum.
Pokerspace has its very own currency called "PS Point" These points can easily be earned throughout the site. When you first create an account, you can get your balance off and running by simply adding a photo, filling your profile full of your information etc. The PS points, can be built up and help you buy into tournaments either to win a higher amount of points, or win some hard earned cash.

At Pokerspace you can also learn the game, by taking the opportunity to use the school and learn the game inside and out and when your comfortable take the tests. Also, they have a wide range of private tournaments for all levels of players, whether you a beginner (Free roll) intermediate (Free rolls & Point buy-ins) or experienced player (Free roll, Point buy-in & Cash buy-ins) theres always something available.

Also at Pokerspace, you have the benefit of a great community on hand always to answer any of your questions, preferably poker related but its also possible to talk other subjects, with our great forum.

At the moment Pokerspace are just about to start the new Crew Cup, this is a team game, with the target to be crowned champions, and win a trip to Vegas to participate in the WSOP.
If you like what you read here, feel free to click here and setup your account, in doing so, you will have the opportunity to experience the endless things on offer.....

Be sure to add me as a buddy when you have created your account, my screen name is Gra1980. I will also be on hand if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

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